Therapy in Cambridge
Therapy in Cambridge
Therapy in South Cambridgeshire and Online
We are unwittingly controlled by unconscious negative beliefs that occurred during an event that we don’t even remember…
Are you feeling frustrated, lost or weighed down by life? Do you long to feel peace, calm or freedom? Maybe your primary relationship is not as dynamic as you’d like it to be. Maybe your work isn’t very satisfying or maybe you want to take your business to he next level. Maybe you are single and would like to be in a relationship that feels fulfilling and nourishing and have no idea how to create that. These are all such important things that are far more easily attainable than you might think. Especially now.
Did you know that when we experience a trauma whether a trauma with a small “t” or a big “T”, we automatically create a simultaneous negative belief? We then, unbeknownst to ourselves, spend the rest of our lives proving to ourselves that the belief is true. (As humans, we like to be right.) We aren’t doing this consciously. It’s all done on a subconscious level. As children, we have to get on with the important work of survival and keep heading towards adulthood. By the time we are adults, we all (myself included) end up with a filing cabinet full of evidence that we are unlovable, unworthy, better off on our own, money is hard to come by, emotions are weak, wealth is for horrid people or whatever.
Interestingly, it the beliefs from the traumas with small t’s that can be more insidious as we don’t necessarily remember these seemingly small events, so the associated beliefs are even more hidden from our conscious mind. Either way, we spend the rest of our lives not realising the extent to which we are limiting ourselves in our daily life, work life, family life and love life. All we know is that we want something different, but something is always in the way and it nearly always looks as if its someone else or even life itself causing the problem. But the outer reality always reflects an inner belief and so it is to the subconscious that, we must go, in order to bring the wonderfullness that we seek.
I have been working in the therapy world now for 30 years and things have now evolved to such an extent that pretty much anything can be resolved. (Please see disclaimer below). At one time clients would sit and talk and not much would change but just feeling supported would often help a bit. Then trauma work, body awareness and bodywork arrived and more shift was possible, even transformation. These days, even more is possible. We can literally pop into the subconscious mind, make note of the belief and turn things around to create a new belief whilst also healing the trauma energy of that memory that was stuck in the energetic body. This might be difficult for some to comprehend but more and more people are seeing and experiencing that there is definitely more to this world that what we have been taught. It’s not about “telling the story” of how we got hurt. It’s more about changing how we got affected by that wound and then changing the beliefs that came with that original hurt that have been affecting us right up until the present moment.
So people are healing more quickly than ever before. I make no promises. That would be foolish, it is simply my experience that this is so, and I have seen in my own healing path and in those that I am privileged to assist and facilitate and in others that colleagues and practitioners all over the world are now assisting with in similar ways.
We can’t change what happened to us, but we can change the effects of what happened on our nervous system and in our belief system and then literally create a new reality. We can feel the freedom, the health and the pleasure that we are designed to feel as human beings. We don’t have to be ill, numb, disconnected and alone. We can live the opposite of this, when given the right support and skilled direction.
If you feel lost, confused or stuck or simply want to reach some vision that you have held close, whether in business or with yourself or with your relationship, I might be able to help.
A consultation is the next step and this will clarity your needs and goals and enable us to see if I can help. Ping me an email and we can take things from there. Or call me on 01763 209368 and we can arrange an initial chat.
NB please note that working with me or reading my articles does not replace the advice and diagnosis of a qualified doctor or qualified health practitioner. Please take all that you read here, simply as information. Working with both medical and healing modalities can have the best outcome.
Things I have helped people with:
- Resolving trauma and PTSD
- Anxiety
- Loss
- Nervousness and feeling unsafe or insecure/feeling safer
- Emotional imbalance and overwhelm/finding balance, strength and centredness.
- Relationship issues
- Lack of confidence/finding courage
- Feeling unworthy/recognising worth
- Fear of vulnerability/building capacity to feel vulnerable
- Depression
- Feeling lost/feeling clear
- Huge inner critic / self-sabotage / feeling empowered and freer
- Over-thinking/trusting the body more
- Emotional numbness/allowing thawing
- Menopause and peri-menopause/preparing for the second half of your life
- Poor boundaries/finding your “no” and your genuine “yes”
- self-hatred/hatred of innate feminine or masculine energies/learning to embrace and love all of yourself
- Lack of libido/desire/aliveness/building capacity
- Fear of love and connection and building capacity
- Physical symptoms that don’t respond to treatment
Call me on 01763 209368 or get in touch via the online contact form and let’s see if I can help.